28 February 2010

Xu's Collards

This is a flavourful way of preparing Collard greens.


-A mild tasting oil
-Balsamic vinegar
-Hot pepper sauce

I used a saute pan and about a third of a bunch of collard greens. Coat the bottom of the pan with oil and put the collard greens in when the oil is hot. Saute briefly, then put in about a teaspoon of honey, some vinegar, and some hot pepper sauce. This should give you enough liquid to cover the pan and braise on medium-low for a few minutes. The whole operation took me about five minutes. Cook longer if you like your greens soft.


  1. I want to try this one, and Swiss chard. I was making manacotti one day and couldn't find any spinach to mix in with the ricotta, so I used collard greens instead. It was bad news - very rough. It was the only time I've ever had collard greens, so i want to try a real recipe for it.

    Apparently if you boil swiss chard, and then serve it with oil and vinegar it's really good.

  2. Collards greens are very tough, they require more cooking. They are good though.
