07 July 2012


I have a website that I think some of you will like, (and may just be the answer to the question, "What is Canadian food?"). It's by an author, Brian Francis, whose book Natural Order I really liked. Anyhoo, on the side he runs this hilarious blog called Caker Cooking.

"It's not about cakes. From casseroles to canned corn, this is the best of the worst of mangiacake cuisine."

 He makes food from old recipe books by Enbridge, auxillary clubs, church groups, etc. It reminds me a lot of the Pause For Living magazine. Good stuff for sure. Funny writing too. Some favourites? Spaghetti pie, coca cola salad, dump cake, and mock apple pie —"You have to make it to believe it."


  1. What is the thing in the second picure made of? It looks like thick lettuce-abalone shells.

  2. Both wrong! It's a cornflake and dyed-green marshmallow delite.

  3. Which one of the three is most disgusting?

    Is this really Canadian, or just a suburban freak show?

  4. Eating a barnacle would be most disgusting, you smart alex.

    And it's a Canadian suburban freak show, you might say.

  5. I made "Lemon Fluff" from that site this weekend and won accolades from all my family friends. I told them it was from a site that glorifies church basement food, and they laughed and said it was totally believable, but they ALL had huge seconds.

  6. haha, amazing. I know what you mean. Some of the recipes look really good to me.
