24 August 2010

Today I found myself doing some research on pasta shapes because I have a bag of these big tube ones (which I have since learned are Rigatoni) and wanted to find out a good recipe for such a noodle. I love some of these pasta names. Behold:

Stringozzi - shoestring-like things
Elicoidali - Helicoidal ones
Marziani - Martians
Mezzi Bombardoni - Half bombards
Cannelloni - Big little canes
Mostaccioli - Moustache-like things
Pasta al ceppo - Log-type pasta
Cencioni - Large rags
Gramigna - Infesting weed
Strozzapreti - Priest-chokers
Maltagliati - Badly cut
Occhi di Lupo - Wolf eyes
Occhi di Pernice - Partridge's eyes
Stortini - Little crooked ones

1 comment:

  1. That's funny: Last night I ordered rigatoni at Terroni without knowing what it was. It had a tomato sauce and was amongst butternut squash and zucchini and gorgonzola and mozzarella.
